How Can YOU Serve Well Those Who Have Served?
Who Are Your Contributions Supporting?
Student veterans like Shawna Uhl '20:
About Our Aggie Veterans:
Areas of Support:
Modes of payment:
Go to the Texas A&M Foundation website:
If you have a Foundation online account, log in. If not, you will create one when filling out the gift form.
- Under the “Make a Gift” and the “I would like to give to” lines, scroll down & select “Division of Student Affairs.”
- Under “Select Department” scroll down and select “Veteran Resource & Support Center.” or use the links provided.
Select type of Account (8 choices):
- Aggie Veteran Enrichment Fund: Ensure that Texas A&M forever remains a true leader in student veteran support. Give to this account!
- Veteran Resource & Support Center: Supports student veteran success programs and events that change Aggies’ lives. Give to this account!
- VRSC Non-Endowed Scholarship Account: Ensures student veteran “financial fitness” that leads to academic excellence. Give to this account!
- SAVE Fund: Supports Aggie student veterans in a time of financial crisis for extreme or unusual circumstances and help them remain in school. Give to this account!
- VALOR: Supports mentorship programming that connects incoming veterans with experienced student veterans to help them succeed academically and navigate back into civilian life. Give to this account!
- Vet Camp: Supports an in-depth orientation program conducted prior to the start of classes that provides more than 35 academic, campus, and local resources to ensure a successful transition. Give to this account!
- Aggie Shields: Supports the student organization in collecting used textbooks to fill the Veteran & Dependent Loan Library, removing the financial burden of buying textbooks from the veterans’ shoulders. Give to this account!
Fill out individual or organization name and information as prompted by the web page.
Make the check out to Texas A&M Foundation
Mark in the memo line: For Veteran Resource & Support Center Acct # ____ (Choose 1 acct. # from below)
04-58317 (For the Aggie Veteran Enrichment Fund)
05-73648 (For the Veteran Resource & Support Center)
05-70524 (For the Non-Endowed Scholarship Account)
05-70516 (SAVE Fund)
05-74033 (VALOR)
05-74035 (Vet Camp)
05-74036 (Aggie Shields)
Mail the check to: Texas A&M Foundation, 401 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX 77840
The Association of Former Students: (Student Veteran Aggie Ring Program)
To give online:
To support an Endowed Ring, select one of the “Veteran Ring” Endowment Options
To support an immediate one-time pass through ring purchase, leave the Endowment selection blank and write “Aggie Rings for Veterans” in the comments box.
To give via check: Make the check out to The Association of Former Students and write Rings for Veterans in the memo line. Mail to: The Association of Former Students, ATTN Sheila Connor, 505 George Bush Dr., College Station, TX 77840.
For more information, Sheila can be contacted at 979-845-7514 or [email protected]
The Impact of Your Contribution:
With our support, they are extremely successful & enrich our classrooms and community!
"The scholarship couldn't have come at a better time, it has helped to replace the lost funds from my post 9/11 benefits running out and has made it possible for me to finish my degree here at Texas A&M University and for that and many more reasons I am very grateful"
"My journey to Texas A&M was a long, arduous process. I applied to TAMU from the side of a mountain in Afghanistan. Karen is the reason I am at Texas A&M and am successful. Without her, I would have never attained the goal of someday completing an education after the military."
"Without this vital resource on campus, I most likely would have never formed the lifelong relationships I have with several other TAMU Veterans. The individuals who work in the VRSC, are absolutely incredible and are a valuable asset to the campus as a whole."
For addressing any concerns or questions regarding supporting student veterans, please directly contact the Senior Director of Development for Veteran Services, Col David Bacot '90 (USAF, Ret) by emailing him at [email protected]

We have nearly 1,300 Aggie student veterans - enrollment has doubled in 7 years
Nearly 1/2 of them are married; many with children
They are older; typically 27-34
Most served 6 or more years and have multiple combat tours
About 1/3 will exhaust their GI Bill benefits before they graduate
44% report an annual household income of less than $18,000
Over 1/2 work one or more part time jobs to make ends meet while they are in school
82% of our student veteran spouses work either full or part time