Beginning the transition from military service into academics at Texas A&M University? Kick your journey off by attending our Vet Camp welcome and community networking dinner!
We recognize that your New Student Conference is a busy, tight schedule and a LOT of information is thrown your way in a short amount of time. Opportunities to meet and engage with fellow incoming and current Aggie veterans, as well as the staff and community contacts that will be critical to your success just aren't written into that schedule. That is why attending Vet Camp is extremely important.
At Vet Camp you will experience:
- Opportunities for one on one conversations with important community resource providers
- Personal conversations with fellow incoming student veterans, as well as current student veteran leaders with:
- Student Veterans of America at Texas A&M
- Experiences and advice from current student veterans
- Door-Prize opportunities
- FREE food!!!
Don't miss out on your opportunity to participate in this incredible event that helps facilitate your successful transition. Aggie Veterans who attend Vet Camp report feeling less anxious and better prepared to begin their academic journey. Watch our webpage, social media and your TAMU email for Vet Camp date/time information and registration information. See you there!